High quality holiday pies


Toward the end of December all the bakeries and confectioneries of San Sebastian start selling donut shaped pies filled with custard or whipped cream and topped with giant-sized marzipans that look like emeralds and rubies.  Traditionally in Spain (as well as many other Spanish-speaking countries) Rosca Del Reyes pie is the main winter holiday dessert. Magical figures of the king, baby Jesus and Mary are hidden in the pies.  Whoever bites on the future pays for all. 
The best Roca Del Reyes pies in the city are made in the bakery Oiartzun. It is located in one of the most pleasant parts of the city - right across from the the City Hall. This bakery was founded more than twenty years ago. They carry hand-rolled chocolate truffles and amazing pastries -- a mix of favorite traditional flavors and modern recipes with a pronounced French sentiment. For example, Pastas de Te - the homemade cookies, which are served here with cocoa or coffee - a true delicacy dessert. Be sure to try their new rum baba - it's a bomb. Confectioners in Oiartzun feel just like chiefs of the new Basque cuisine - they invent the wheel and bring Basque Country to the new gastronomic horizons.
Details here.